What is Collective Strength?

Founded in 2020, Collective Strength is Philadelphia’s first and only gym cooperative— which means we are owned and operated by our members.

Our mission at Collective Strength is to create an accessible strength training space for people who have not traditionally been encouraged to pursue strength training and strength sports. We work towards this goal through our affordable memberships, accessible range of equipment, and community support.

Our core values of inclusivity, respect for bodily autonomy, cultivation of joyful movement, and radical self-acceptance are at the center of everything we do.


Our open gym memberships are available on a flexible pricing model from $35 to $90 a month. This gets you unlimited access to our power and competition racks, all of our powerlifting and specialty barbells, and our calibrated kilo and iron plates.

We host regular special events and workshops! Come join us to learn how to lift with a barbell in an inclusive and fun gym environment.