

Monthly Memberships

Our memberships are billed monthly. You can cancel at any time with 30 days notice. Membership gives you unlimited access to the gym and the support of a community.

Our open gym memberships are $75 at cost, meaning before we apply our flexible pricing model. Because cost is a significant financial barrier for joining a barbell gym for a lot of members of our community, we are committed to providing options. We ask that you consider what you are able to pay — not what you would like to pay — and pay no more or less than that. Not sure which tier is appropriate for you? Read our guide.

Tier 4 (Sustainer) — $90

Tier 3 (At-Cost) — $75

Tier 2 (Subsidized) — $50

Tier 1 (Subsidized) — $35


Drop-In Visits

We offer drop-in visits for guests from out of town or anyone looking to try out our gym. Drop-in visits are unstaffed and by appointment only. To book a drop-in, please email us at and we’d be happy to help!

We offer these on a flexible pricing model based on your ability to pay. We ask that you consider what you are able to pay — not what you would like to pay — and pay no more or less than that. Not sure which tier is appropriate for you? Read our guide.

Tier 4 (Sustainer) — $25

Tier 3 (At-Cost) — $20

Tier 2 (Subsidized) — $15

Tier 1 (Subsidized) — $10


We’d love to talk to you about our membership options!

Send us an email: